Dealing with Shin Splints
April 5, 2010With the onset of the football season we have had a proliferation of medial shin pain – sometimes called shin splints.
If you have been suffering with pain and tightness along the inside of your shin and particularly if you have a rigid foot try this stretch.
Stand next to a wall and rest foot closest to the wall on a 45° angle up the wall with toes pushed firmly onto wall (it’s easier with shoes on).
Then push 1 knee forward over ankle and lean hip and knee towards the wall.
You are looking to feel a pull up the inside of the leg from ankle – not pain on outside of ankle. Play with position, ankle to wall if you can’t get the stretch.
If pain persists ring us for a biomechanical assessment and treatment possibly including fascial release or acupuncture.
Download Shin Splints information here