Yearly Archive: 2011

Shoulder Bursitis Warana

December 3, 2011 Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs usually situated between a bone and a tendon. The role of a bursa is to reduce friction associated with movement of tendon over bone.  There are numerous bursae around the hips, knees, shoulders, feet and elbows. The subacromial bursa in the shoulder joint is one of the most commonly affected....
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Acupuncture Sunshine Coast

November 15, 2011 Acupuncture and dry needling is available at our clinics in Caloundra, Kawana and Warana. A combination approach using traditional Western acupuncture points and dry needling can be used to assist in the recovery of your musculoskeletal complaints. Through various physiological mechanisms, acupuncture and dry needling can be effective in relaxing overactive muscles, increasing local blood...
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Frozen Shoulder Caloundra

October 1, 2011 Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, refers to a condition where there is generalised restriction of shoulder movement associated with thickening and stiffness of the shoulder joint capsule. Frozen shoulder may occur following some trauma to the shoulder, such as rotator cuff tear, bursitis, fracture or surgery. It may also occur spontaneously. Frozen shoulder is more...
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Referred Pain Kawana

September 21, 2011 Background: Pain occurring in one area of the body may not be a result of injury or dysfunction in that particular area. Pain may arise from a local structure, but equally, it may be referred to that site from a structure some distance away. For example, pain felt in the buttocks is commonly due to...
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Low Back Pain Warana

August 15, 2011 Background Low back pain affects up to 85% of the population at some time in their lives. Most people (90%) will improve over 1-3 months depending on the severity of injury, but a large percentage of sufferers (50%) will have recurrent episodes. For this reason it is important to seek treatment for low back pain...
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Muscle Tear Sunshine Coast

July 20, 2011 Muscles are strained or torn when some or all of the fibres fail to cope with the demands placed upon them. A muscle is most likely to tear during sudden acceleration or deceleration. This can happen during the course of normal daily activities, with heavy lifting, during sports, or while performing work tasks. Some of...
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Meniscus Kawana

June 8, 2011 Menisci are found in your knee resting between the thigh (femur) and the shin (tibia) bones. There is the medial on the inside and the lateral on the outside. They are made of cartilage and disperse forces across the knee joint, improve stability and allow the bones to glide against each other without damaging the...
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Knee-cap Pain Caloundra

May 5, 2011 Patello- femoral Joint Syndrome refers to pain in and around the kneecap. It can vary in its presentation of pain, may/ may no have swelling, may/may not have a restriction in range and may/may not be tender on palpation. Aggravating factors can include, but aren’t limited to, running, stairs, repeated bending/ straightening of the knee....
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ITB Friction Syndrome Warana

April 6, 2011 The iliotibial band/ tract is a thickening of the fascia that originates at the top of the hip and runs down the outside of the thigh to insert on the outside of the knee. The tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus muscles both insert into the ITB. ITB friction syndrome refers to pain felt on...
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Cervico-genic Headaches Sunshine Coast

March 11, 2011 Headaches can occur for many reasons. There are many types of headaches so it is best to consult your Doctor before seeing a Physiotherapist. A cervico-genic headache is a condition where damage to joints, muscles, ligaments or nerves within the neck refers pain to the head causing a headache. They usually occur when excessive stress...
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New Tape Technology

February 9, 2011 Dynamic Tape is a shift in taping philosophy from traditional rigid strapping and even Kinesiotape.  The tape is stretchy, so that when it elongates with movement of the body, potential energy is built up in the tape to give an elastic rebound effect.  This can be used to contribute to the biomechanics of the movement. ...
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SIJ Dysfunction Warana

February 2, 2011 The Sacroiliac joint is located in the lower back and joints the tail bone/ sacrum to the pelvic bones/ ileums. There are two SIJs on either side and their job is to transfer weight from the spine to the pelvis. If excessive forces are placed on these joints, injury/ dysfunction may occur. This can be...
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Tennis Elbow Caloundra

January 13, 2011 Tennis elbow is a common overuse injury causing pain at the outer aspect of the elbow. The muscles that attach at the back of the forearm which extend (ie. bend back) the wrist and fingers have a common bony attachment at the outer aspect of the elbow (lateral epicondyle). When they contract, they place tension...
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